Our flip-flop-jandal collection now covers a large section of our fence. All picked up from our local beaches. The sunflowers have been fantastic.
You know one thing I love in life is variety. Too much routine is tedious and surprises are great. Anyway, a routine GP visit to my longtime varsity mate Mary Mac last Friday, gave me a wee bit more variety than I had bargained for. My medical insurance will end when I finish my job here and I thought it timeous to go for a “general check-up”, run a few bloods and, because I had had a few niggles in my chest (not exercise related) and a father who had had a triple bypass, do an exercise ECG. It was all a bit of a jaunt until I saw Mary’s face looking somewhat pale and gazing at my ECG with distinct depression of 3 of the ECG leads. Before I knew it I was lounging in the plush waiting room of a cardiologist and soon thereafter had had an echo (normal) and was on my way to the CT suite. The CT was fine and I held my pulse obediently below 45 until, that was, they gave me contrast which was somewhat unpleasant and felt vaguely like someone was trying to throttle me and shove a red hot poker up my anus at the same time. This had the not surprising result of pushing my pulse up to 75 and rendering the CT void because of movement artifact! Anyway all was repeated an hour later with a different contrast and my heart and vessels on 3D reconstruction looked pristine and the cardiologist has put it all down to ‘athletes’ heart which I suppose I can be proud of. While all this was going on we also fitted in Yellow fever jabs for our imminent
There had been quite a bit of rain in the mountains and the river was flowing strongly. The Umzinkulu is a beautiful river running clean and fast and so it was a real pleasure to be joining Guy Henderson, a long-time school and varsity mate, for this fantastic 2 day marathon. We had a near perfect first day negotiating some fairly impressive rapids and surveyed with interest the canoe carnage that littered the banks. Day 2 continued well for us and we had fun shooting weirs and some tricky rapids. A momentary lapse in concentration nearly meant grief for us about 5k’s from the end when we found ourselves tightly pinned on some rocks and had to abandon ship and swim for it. Luckily the canoe remained intact and we were able to finish well up in the field which is no small achievement for us veteran paddlers with about half a dozen training paddles between us. Of course my true satisfaction was doing a real stress test and finding my myocardium well up to it. Who needs CT?
On the work front, I have just tendered my resignation. Not through any dissatisfaction but just because the time is right to move on. I think I’m scared that if we stay here another year then we might still be here in 20! New adventures await us and we leave for a 6 month trip around southern
Work is definitely seasonal here and the summer rush is gaining momentum with wards bulging and nurses grumpy! From February to September last year I didn’t see one case of Malaria but almost as the rain came so did the Malaria. We have had about a dozen cases with one infant death. Certainly not a disease to be taken lightly. Snakes are out in abundance and our wards are full of swollen hands and feet. Fortunately most of the bites are from Puff adders which tend to only cause local tissue damage and, for most, a few days on the ward settles things. We did have a death a few weeks back though. It was probably a Boomslang, which is a lethal snake whose venom causes bleeding. This poor chap apparently waited about 6 hours for transport at a remote clinic and bled out soon after his arrival at hospital. Anti-venom for that snake is only available from
The other thing that I have had a run of on my ward is badly beaten buttocks! Community justice is strong here and if someone does wrong he is dealt with by the community and then handed over to the police. These guys come in severely injured and I have had to take three of them to theatre recently to debride inches of rotten flesh from their buttocks which will take weeks to heal. The fourth chap wasn’t so lucky and his severe beating caused massive muscle breakdown leading to rhabdomyolosis and renal failure. His lungs didn’t like our vigorous fluid management and heart failure followed his kidney failure with his creatinine soaring to over a 1000. The day I had him organized for transfer to our referral hospital there were no ambulances and miraculously I managed to get him choppered out first to ICU and then to Durban for renal dialysis. I’m not sure if he survived.
Margot and Zara drawing water at a local well in the Lebombo Mts. overlooking Swaziland. So good for us to experience what the locals have to do everyday to get their water. It was the most delicious water too.
Speaking of trauma, we have witnessed a number of horrific motor vehicle accidents recently.
Anyway, enough for now and after my call tonight a blissful ten days of holiday await us starting with a train trip to
Je viens de lire du début à la fin ce rapport écrit par Sandy .C'est délicieux ,en même temps effroyable . Ayant partagé un peu de cette vie , je mesure l'intensité et les difficultés rencontrées . Les battements intempestifs du coeur traduisent sans doute cet état de chose . Mes respects , monsieur le docteur Michelle