Yesterday it was mum’s birthday so there was no school. First we got woken up by Wentzel and his family chanting the happy birthday charol right at our front door.
I woke up and tried to get out of bed, but instead I just lay there.
We got dressed and on the table some newly made scones lay. There were lots of other stuff too. On my scone I had, on one side strawberry and cream, the other had Bovril and cheese. It was delicious.
When they all left we (Zara, mum & me) got into the car, said good bye to dad (who was going to be working all day, like he usually does) and decoded to spend a day at Tembe Elephant park.
When we arrived there, there was a nice lady called sam who opened the gate for us. She reconised our car from when Steeve (the man who we bought the car from) and his gang had the car.
We drove to the first hide (Mahlasela hide) and saw a tourist truck. The steps to the hide were very big, it took me 3 steps on every step! At the hide there were only a few buck and 3 elephants. We ended up with 16 elephants and about 100 buck!
Further along we met a huge elephant coming down the track in front of us. We reversed all the way until mum said “I think he is just playing”, so we stopped and after a while of deciding the elephant let us past.
I was tired at the end of the day!
St Lucia
Last weekend me and my family went to St Lucia. Dad was at a clinic in Richards bay so he had to get dropped off there.
It was getting dark and we still hadn’t found a nice place to stay; all the camp sites were full and in the city the hotels were blasting with music so we drove a little further out into the contry and found a delightful little resort and decided it was the only peaceful place.
We settled in and went for a little walk around. There weren’t much people but the people that were there were pretty weird.
We walked on and there, next to the edge of the little stream that stretched across the hillside was a beautiful pool that glinted in the moon light. Zara got so excited that she nearly fell in! We all stripped off our clothes (except our undies) and jumped in. The water wasn’t warm but it wasn’t cool so we (me and Zara) wallowed in the pool until mum called us in for dinner. Our stay was fantastic but I was sad when we left.
The next day we spent at Cape Vidal. On our way we stopped at St Lucia Wetland Park. We stopped at a little pan called Amazilo pan. There were about six hippos, one crock and lotts of waterbuck. The beach at Cape Vidal was quite cayotick so we didn’t stay long. That night we camped for free at a nice little campsite. Me and Zara slept in the car, and mum and dad slept in the tent. Sunday was the best day of all. Dad sujested that we should go to a crock centre. Me and Zara screamed with joy and in an instant we were there. There were lotts of things to see but the thing I raved about the most was holding a baby crock! I didn’t get a long turn so I made the most of it. It felt rough and smooth at the same time. Crocks are awesome!
Margot me donne du travail car je dois traduire en français ce qu'elle écrit pour que mamie Thérèse puisse comprendre , mais çà m'encourage à faire de l'anglais pour qu'un jour je puisse aller en Afrique du sud . Bravo , continue , c'est agréable de suivre vos aventures . Suite au prochain épisode .