Thursday, September 2, 2010

Margot's July-August writing

Left: Propaganda in front of hospital. We've had 3 weeks of strike so far. Below: Margot and Zara at Kosi bay with the fish traps

30/6/10 Problems at Mseleni

Problems always happen from time to time but they basically happen every day at Mseleni. We have had at least 5 problems at our house.

One of the worst is that the garden tap is exactly outside my bedroom but the pipe has a leakage and all night or wherever the whole house is quiet (which it never is in the day), you hear a irritating “pssst pssst pst pst” because the water splashes onto the paper-thin wall of the house. I keep telling dad to try and turn it off but he never does it.

Also, our washing machine wouldn’t work so I had to recycle my clothes for at least two weeks!

No 3 problem is that our car broke down so we had to get a tow truck all the way to Richards Bay.

I also think that our house is too small but I am grateful that I at least have my own smallish bedroom with a double bed because some Zulus only have a grass mat to sleep on.

One of the worst things is that we have a part of the septic tank system in the middle of our garden and it is overflowing!

Some problems get fixed and some don’t!

Crested Guinea fowl

7/7/10 If I could fly…

If I could fly I would visit every country, feeding the poor and over seas, calling the whales and through the desert, dropping buckets of water for the camels.

Through the sky I would soar, helping injured birds to their feet again.

If I could breathe underwater, I would live with the mermaids and the mermen and the seahorses would be our way of transport.

If I was an ape, I would swing through the jungle eating bananas and chasing my friends. I would have to be careful of poachers.

If I was a lion, I would creep through the long, dry African grass after a zebra or a warthog having a morning graze.

But I can’t or I’m not any of those things; I am me and I am quite satisfied with that.

Cheetah at Phinda Game Reserve

12/7/10 Phinda

Last week-end, grandpa and his partner Merle came to visit us. We met them at a nice private game reserve called Phinda. We were supposed to arrive before them but we didn’t.

The next morning, we went on an amazing game drive. Some of my favourite parts were the cheetahs. At first we saw a lone female lying next to a decimated termite mound. Her coat was covered in orange with small black rosettes and she had a patch of blood on her cheek (a sign that she had had a kill).

Second was when we went through the sandforest and saw kazillions of elephants and the matriarch turned to face us flapping her ears and Merle was petrified!

Also, on the night drive we saw two more cheetahs hunting for some food. The one cheetah was always marking its territory while the other one was desperate for food and when he spotted a nyala, he raced after it for ages until we couldn’t see him any more. It is the first time I have seen cheetahs in the wild and it was amazing!

14/7/10 Good bye

Last night it was some nice doctors called Martins and Zhera’s goodbye party. They were going back to posh England to live. They were both very nice so everyone was sad that they had to leave. I especially like Martin. He was one of the most hilarious people I have met. He called us “egg leg” or “egg head” or something like that. He liked to play “tackle” girl way and he would always win soccer with us. Zhera is a nice girl too but she is much more relaxed. Once we took funny photos of ourselves with her computer! Most of the party we played with our friends. For dinner we had lasagne. It was so scrumptious my mouth watered. The mince was so perfectly cooked and it even had tomatoes to add to the taste (even so it would have been the same exquisiteness without !). And for dessert we had chocolate cake with chocolate icing, cinnamon cake and vanilla custard! I felt extremely sad when we had to go to bed! I am going to really miss them!

Lion cub at Kruger National park while on a morning drive

21/7/10 Cubs at Kruger

Last weekend we drove up to Kruger National Game Reserve. Kruger is the biggest game reserve in South Africa. At Kruger we met our French aunty and uncle. It was so much fun! We saw lots of bucks: impala, nyala , kudu, klipspringer and steenbok. We also saw some big animals like: rhino, elephant, hippo, cheetah, giraffe and buffalo. But one of my favourite sighting was…well first sit back in your seats/chairs and relax, grab a drink or go to the toilet before I tell you the adventure of the cubs at Kruger.

We were driving along on a Sunday morning at about 7:00 when a work truck zoomed past us. There was a turnoff to the main road but we went straight. Mum was looking at a small lilac breasted roller. It’s breast sparking in the morning dew. Suddenly it screeched and flew a little bit further on dad’s (the driver) side. I asked dad if he could go forward a bit so I could see it and as he was getting back into his seat I think he accidently stepped on the accelerator and with out any warning the car zoomed on nearly crashing into a tree. “Stooop”, screamed mum. I thought the air bags would pop out but thankfully they didn’t but what did happen was that my very own skull flew forward and hit a hard water bottle someone had put in the front pocket. “Back, back, back”, whispered mum. Dad reversed the car a little bit and there, sitting in the sun was…2 little lion cubs!!! As we came closer we saw 4 more lion cubs in the shade! They were so cute. Their little yellow coats sparkled in the morning sun. I am going to remember this all my life and I hope my head gets better!!!

Dung Beetles rolling their dung

26/7/10 Bok drolokies spoor competisi

Last weekend mum and dad took part in the Imfolozi Mountain Bike Race. It was to raise money for the wild dog foundation. The day after the race there was a big party in the marquee. One of the games was a buck droppings spitting competition. It is a competition where you have to try and spit impala poos the furthest. Zara had a try and she spat her poo about 1 metre! The droppings taste like card-board but we soaked them in orange Fanta or dad’s beer! It was really funny.

29/7/10 Sports day

Yesterday was sports day and Gerda (our friend’s mum) offered to take us. We do sports at Sodwana Bay School and so I have made lots of friend there. Our friends Wentzel, Annalou, Uju and Lize are quite young and they are lots of fun to play with but I especially like listening to their funny Afrikaans conversations. Their car is a small light blue chaotic car and there was a lot of shouting on the way I was really relieved to get there. I saw all my friends waving to me from the other side of the fence so I suddenly flung open the door and ran to meet them. They were so happy to see me again. “Hello Margot”, said Sindihle, “Welcome back!”

Before we have sports we always do a 1km run to the soccer field. I was at the back because I had to wait for Uju. It was a steaming hot day and I could feel the sweat starting on my forehead. It kind-of felt like the soccer field was 100m closer but I haven’t done sports since the “exciting” World Cup Soccer.

The school has 3 main sports to pick out of: Junior soccer, Senior soccer, netball and Karate. I really like netball. It is my second favourite sport. I am a little bit small for netball but I really like it. I am Goal Attack and my job is to pass the ball to the goalie so she can score. It is so fun!

Dad's "sandy" birthday cake

10/08/10 Hyenas @ Hluhluwe

Last week some French friends came all the way from France, for a 2 week holiday. Just to get them started, we spent 2 nights at Hluhluwe Game Reserve.We arrived very late and when we eventually got to our hut I collapsed into my bed and instantly fell asleep. The next morning we woke up very early to go on a morning game drive. We had only been driving for at least 20 minutes when Max (our friend’s dad) said “stop, hyena” “STOP! HYENA!” Of course he said it in french which is “arête, une hyene”. Mum stopped so suddenly that, because the back seats were down, we all went tumbling forwards! I though it was the most hilarious joke but as mum reversed there was a mustard coloured dog-like creature with a hunch-back and dark black spots. It was a most extraordinary thing I had seen since I have been in Africa (6 + ½ months!) I had seen other hyenas before but they had been far away. This guy was actually on the road walking along like he was totally relaxed and couldn’t care less about us! I most adored his face, with his wondering black eyes and his cute little nose. I can’t wait to go back to Hluhluwe to see the hyenas!.

17/08/10 Lion fish

Last week-end we went to stay at Mabibi Beach Camp site. We were eight people (counting our friends from France) so we had to borrow the Viljoen’s tent (the other family here at Mseleni), We also had our tent and my birthday tent so we had plenty of space. We arrived there quite late and the man at the gate of the camp was half asleep but he managed to tell us our campsite number. It was Number 6. At the camp there was a braii, a tap and a big open area. The Viljoen’s tent was a 2 room tent and it was quite hard to put up because we only had the headlight of the car.

The next morning, I got straight into my snorkeling gear and ran down to the beach. Mum was already down there and when I arrived, mum called me over to see something in the water under a big rock.

…And guess what it was?.A LION FISH!!! It is the most amazing thing I have seen with its orange and red and black stripes, I can’t wait to see him again.

Left: Near Kosi Bay with Loanne, Max, Bisou et Alizee from Paris. Below: Nudibranch at Sodwana

19/08/2010 If I was an Egyptian crocodile

If I was an Egyptian crocodile I would roam the Nile River looking for food. Of course I wouldn’t be a normal croc because I wouldn’t eat small children; I would only eat fish and potatoes. Instead of eating them, I would take the Egyptian children on my back for trips down the river. I would only be able to take four kids at a time because I am not as strong as the male crocs(I am a girl). The kids would probably have to bring extra soft pillows to sit on my back because of my really scaly and bumpy back. I would go slowly down the river for the small children but I would flow with the river for the bigger ones. The only condition of riding with me is that you have to bring me a potatoe. But potatoes are quite easy to grow in Egypt so basically everyone has some. On the weekends I would go to visit the village and sometimes steal a potato or two!

24/08/10 Nibela Lake Lodge

Chapter 1:

“Are we there yet?”, I called from the back of the car. We were on our way to the lake and I desperately needed the loo. “I feel car sick!”, I added. “Open the window, silly”, giggled Zara, my little sister who was seated beside me and was drawing weird faces on a portable whiteboard. As the window went down I felt the soft breeze on my hand that was still tightly pressed against the button urging the window to go down more. When it eventually came to a stop I jerked towards it but the seatbelt held me tightly back in my seat. I tugged hard at the belt many times and it eventually gave way. I turned towards the open window…what a joy It felt to be out in the open again! I felt like a free bird! I think I had my head out of the window for half an hour because I must have fallen asleep on the arm rest of the door. When I woke up I had a brain freeze and we had already arrived.

Chapter 2:

Nibela Lake is part of the St Lucia Wetland Park. Last time we went there the water from the lake was much closer, but this time it was at least two miles away. The beach is not really a sand beach it is more a dry and muddy one. As we got there Dad told us that Zara’s friend and mine were coming. They were also bringing their families along too. We were going to stay two nights but my friend, Aby was staying one extra night. That night when everyone had arrived we had dinner and then ran to our huts, cuddled up in our warm cozy blankets and sailed off into a world of dream.

The next morning we woke up, got dressed and rushed to the dining room to have breakfast. When we got there, there were monkeys everywhere! I think they were after the sugar. The waiter and the waitress had lots of stones and a long stick to scare them away. But still with them (the weapons) they still manage to steal a lot of sugar and a muffin! They were so cheeky!

Chapter 3:

That afternoon Dad sudjested that we could go on a quad bike trip. I thought it was a fantastic idea, but nor Calum (Zara’s friend),his Dad or my Mum was so keen to come. We had booked it for twelve O’clock so Aby and I sprinted up to the games room, table tennis rackets and balls in hands. I’m not so good at table tennis but I would have done anything to get away from the monkeys as they give me the kreeps!

At last the time came to ride the quad bikes. We were all so exciting. I jumped on with dad, Zara went with Calum and his dad, Aby when with her mum and her big sister went with the guide. Dad told me to turn the key and as I turned it I felt the purring of the engine under me as the whole bike shaked. It was very comfortable on the bike but I don’t think it would be too nice hearing them if you were on a peaceful walk or watching birds. After a while on the bikes dad let me drive. It was really amusing going faster and then stopping and zooming off again.

I would really like a quad bike of my own and I think after those few days I am getting better at table tennis!

Margot making "crepes"

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